Gnarly Science: Special Interview with Michael Ferraro

Michael Ferraro is the dude. He is a whole part of his work. In a sens, he is one of his characters in the flesh. We definitively enjoy that! Gnarly Science is the quintessence of cool evoquing Ghostbusters, Ninja Turtles, or Weird Science, but also colorful retro gaming. Life can be though sometimes, and books, […]

5 mins read

R:ILPERSONA Webcomic : Behind The Starlight City Project !

As The Starlight City Project is the writer and creator of the amazing webcomic series R:ILPERSONA (Pronounced “Are” “il” “Per-sewn-ah”), R :ILPERSONA  is a team effort : Masterfully drawn by JM Valenzuela, and colored/lettered by Ludwig Sacramento. Hi Shaun ! – Where do you come from ? I come from a weird state named New Jersey, under the smog […]

3 mins read