Heracles Knot by Sidney Hargrave & Rowan Hartford : The Interview
2 mins read

Heracles Knot by Sidney Hargrave & Rowan Hartford : The Interview

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Everything you always wanted to know

about the amazing webcomic Heracles Knot !

Hi both !
– Where do you come from ? 
– How old are you ? 
We’re both late 20s!
– Influences ? 
Varied! We spend a lot of time on Pinterest, terrible as it is in many ways, and we take inspiration from all kinds of things. Our own experiences have also had a role in story decisions.
– Art school or not ?
Not really! We met at the Art Institute of San Diego and it just wasn’t for us.
– Favorite digital art software ? 
Clip Studio Paint, for sure.

– Your working method ? 
Frantic! Sketches, then text, then lines, then colors, then shading, then whatever else needs doing. Usually all at the last minute! Pretty straightforward, though. Sidney writes the scripts, also, and Rowan proofreads them for pacing. Lots of brainstorming.

– What your webcomic is about, in a symbolic way, the hidden sense ? 
That nothing is ever what it seems. There is always more to everything and everyone.
– Tell us more about your main character, the hero ! 
We have two! Leland and Jaida, BFFs who met during a traumatic, pre-comic event. Leland is the nerdy one, a little more naive, and Jaida is also a nerd but she’s more accustomed
– How do you see your future ? 
Hopefully, napping. But we have a lot of fun projects planned, so we see ourselves working on those and getting things done, sharing our stories with everyone!
– Your next goal ? 
Right now, our goals are mostly chapter-by-chapter, but of course, the ultimate goal is to finish HK and do it well.

– Advices for beginners ? 
Don’t get intimidated! Don’t give up! And don’t do your dream story as your first comic. Start with something smaller, give yourself time to grow, and pace yourself so you don’t burn out.

– Your technical secret trick ? 
Sidney’s linework rick: Drawing lines with confidence! One stroke only. If it doesn’t look good, ctrl+z and do it again. Once I got over doing sketchy lines, everything looked way better.
– Social links and website to bookmark ? 
@sidhargrave on twitter

@miliabyntite on tumblr

and the comic is at


Thanks to Sidney and Rowan !