Space Barista : Coffee time with Michael Dambold !
3 mins read

Space Barista : Coffee time with Michael Dambold !

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It sounds like a novel of Philip K. Dick : Do aliens drink coffee ?

Of course they do ! And that’s the fault of Michael Dambold? ! The guy is as friendly as he is gifted, do not miss the opportunity to get to know this human artist from earth, who chose to send his hero in space !

Comic, coffee, and Milky Way.

Hello Michael !
– Where do you come from ?
Lafayette, Louisiana
– How old are you ? ( tell it or not !)
– Influences ?
Moebius, Akira Toriyama, Jim Lee, Hayao Miyazaki, Chris Machalo
– Art school or not ?
Not specifically art school, but I have a Bachelor’s in Graphic Design.
– Favorite digital art software ?
– Your working method ?
Sketching and watching movies, or listening to sweet music!

– What your webcomic is about, in a symbolic way, the hidden sense ?
It’s a take on the NPC, or the average life of a background character.
– Tell us more about your main character, the hero !
Tomo is just a regular guy who sells coffee in a giant universe full of aliens and adventures!
– How do you see your future ?
I’d love to keep making Space Barista for a long while!
– Your next goal ?
Completing and selling the first Space Barista book, “Space Barista goes to Mars!
– What about a full-color Space Barista ?

A full-color Space Barista is definitely in the future,

but depends on if I can meet my Patreon goal of $100 per month. That way I can justify the extra time and resources to make the whole thing full-color and I’d love to do it.
– Advices for beginners ?

Don’t compare yourself, just work on getting good, and being fast will happen naturally.

Just start where you are comfortable and work on the basics, and you’ll start to discover what you like and don’t like, and where your strengths are. Be patient, drawing is like working out or training, you have to develop the muscle memory and as you do, things will become less intimidating, and way more fun!
– Your technical secret trick ?

– Favorite quote ?
“Fight till your fists bleed, baby!” by Sixpence None the Richer
– Your social links and website ?
My Twitter account is and Space Barista’s Facebook page is

Thanks a lot to Michael Dambold !?