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ON THE VERGE Webcomic : Meet Jason Smith !
On The Verge is a rare pearl in the ocean of webcomics, a wonderful find that we are proud to share with you. We wanted to know more about its creator, Jason Smith. Hi Jason ! – Where do you come from ? I live just outside of Toronto, Ontario in Canada. […]
Galebound Webcomic : Meet Respheal !
? Galebound is our Webcomic of the month and we ask few questions to its creator, Respheal, a great artist ! Hey Maddy ! ? How old are you ? I?m 26! ? Influences ? Definitely manga, video games, music, and light fantasy novels. So, uh?lots of things! My first actual attempt at drawing (in […]
Secret of a great page
Ne-ver bo-ring ! That’s the secret of a great webcomics page. When you draw, ask you two questions : What do I must show ? What do I not ? Think rythm, breaks, hangs ! 😀 Don’t forget : Webcomics is an elliptical art. Keep the good work ! Secret of a great page Secret […]
Secret of a great story
Are you ready ? Here is the golden rule of a great story. The desire, the quest of the hero The hinderings ! How is it hindered !! Yes, it’s that simple ! Ask yourself these questions : What is the goal of my character ? How and who to hinder him ? Keep the good […]
Secret of a great bad guy
You want to create an unforgettable bad guy hum ? Here is the secret : Its silouhette ! What symbol in its shape ? Think mass and silouhette before tracing a line. Keep the good work ! Secret of a great bad guy Secret of a great bad guy New feed {$excerpt:n} insert the featured […]