Everything you always wanted to know about the amazing webcomic Heracles Knot ! Hi both ! – Where do you come from ?  California! – How old are you ? …
Bratstreet is an online comic strip written and illustrated by Edward Justinen. Those nice reading that make you smile and think ! Welcome Edward ! – Where do you come…
You’re gonna be fan of EPIC Ethel, if not already, as we are! Let’s get to know better the talented creator behind this awesome universe! Splendid. – Influences?That’s a big…
Katrin Felder is the queen of the cool ! With ?TRASH CANON ? The tour diary?, ?she set up?the ultimate Pop Star webcomic ! Helloooww Katrin ! ? Where do…
Creating webcomics is not only being skillful and defted, you must have a universe. Jose Luis Bueno Piña is the talented author of?Mr. Valdemar and Other Gothic Tales (?The spider?art…

ElectroMania Webcomic : Meet Kris Martini !

You love Daft Punk, TRON Legacy, and Mistery skulls animated ? She too ! “She”, it’s Kris Martini aka Dratinigirl. She’s actually pretty darn good and you’ll be hearing from her. Hey Kris ! – Where do you come from ?  Ross, Ohio USA! – How old are you ? 21! – Influences ?  Daft Punk, Vaporwave […]

2 mins read

Trash Canon Webcomic : Meet Katrin Felder !

Katrin Felder is the queen of the cool ! With ?TRASH CANON ? The tour diary?, ?she set up?the ultimate Pop Star webcomic ! Helloooww Katrin ! ? Where do you come from ? I?m from Germany ! ? How old are you ? ( tell it or not !) 30 (turning 31 in April) […]

6 mins read

Project E-Underdog comics : Meet Tessa Beatrice !

  Underdog Comics is a project led by teenagers artists dedicated to representing the underrepresented and the misrepresented : Authentic women, ethnic minorities, the LGBT, and any excluded people or community. Essential. Let’s talk about it with Tessa Beatrice, Project E creator. Hi Tessa ! – Where do you come from ? I come from a town […]

6 mins read

Hell and Heaven Webcomic : Meet Esther Quesada !

Fun but clever, magic but so Real-life, Hell and Heaven is the webcomic we all need ! But who are you Esther Quesada !? Hey Esther ! – Where do you come from ?  Spain – How old are you ?  19+10 – Influences ? Disney, Don Bluth, manga, anime, all kind of cartoons, some videogames… […]

3 mins read

ON THE VERGE Webcomic : Meet Jason Smith !

  On The Verge is a rare pearl in the ocean of webcomics, a wonderful find that we are proud to share with you. We wanted to know more about its creator, Jason Smith.   Hi Jason ! – Where do you come from ? I live just outside of Toronto, Ontario in Canada.   […]

4 mins read

Webcomics revolution : Becomics rules !

  Becomics is a new platform designed for comics lovers. A place for artists to share their work, and for fans to discover new content. Its goal ? Reimagine the format and bring web-comics to its maximum potential. We’ve met  the founders of www.becomics.com – Hi both ! Who helm this crazy project and what’s your […]

8 mins read

Galebound Webcomic : Meet Respheal !

? Galebound is our Webcomic of the month and we ask few questions to its creator, Respheal, a great artist ! Hey Maddy ! ? How old are you ? I?m 26! ? Influences ? Definitely manga, video games, music, and light fantasy novels. So, uh?lots of things! My first actual attempt at drawing (in […]

2 mins read

Carrie & Rufus Webcomic : Meet Ben Hennessy !

We?ve asked few questions to Ben Hennessy, Carrie & Rufus webcomic talented creator ! Hey Ben ! ? How old are you ???? I?m 31? guess I?d better start saving for that new hip I?ll need in the near future. ? Influences ?? ? ? ? Far too many to list, but the most recent […]

1 min read

Secret of a great page

Ne-ver bo-ring ! That’s the secret of a great webcomics page. When you draw, ask you two questions : What do I must show ? What do I not ? Think rythm, breaks, hangs ! 😀 Don’t forget : Webcomics is an elliptical art. Keep the good work ! Secret of a great page Secret […]

1 min read

Secret of a great story

  Are you ready ? Here is the golden rule of a great story. The desire, the quest of the hero The hinderings ! How is it hindered !! Yes, it’s that simple ! Ask yourself these questions : What is the goal of my character ? How and who to hinder him ? Keep the good […]

1 min read

Secret of a great bad guy

  You want to create an unforgettable bad guy hum ? Here is the secret : Its silouhette ! What symbol in its shape ? Think mass and silouhette before tracing a line. Keep the good work !  Secret of a great bad guy Secret of a great bad guy New feed {$excerpt:n} insert the featured […]

1 min read