Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett with their Inkpot Awards at the San Diego Comic Fest! The creative couple is behind Aztec Empire, one of the most exciting graphic novel series…
Kaoru Okino is a spanish comic artist who lives in Madrid. Works?: Ugnis, Prisma Hey Kao ! ? How old are you ? I?m 31! ? Influences ? Since I…
The Angel With Black Wings is a stunning?webcomic written and drawn?by?Mharz,?a complete artist. She tells us more about her?working method and projects. ? Hi Mharz ! ? ? Where do…
Pleased to welcome author and creator Tantz Aerine aka Tanya Maria Geritsidou to talk about Without Moonlight. An historical fiction webcomic wich deserves attention. Hello Tanya ! – Where do you…
  Underdog Comics is a project led by teenagers artists dedicated to representing the underrepresented and the misrepresented : Authentic women, ethnic minorities, the LGBT, and any excluded people or community. Essential.…

ElectroMania Webcomic : Meet Kris Martini !

You love Daft Punk, TRON Legacy, and Mistery skulls animated ? She too ! “She”, it’s Kris Martini aka Dratinigirl. She’s actually pretty darn good and you’ll be hearing from her. Hey Kris ! – Where do you come from ?  Ross, Ohio USA! – How old are you ? 21! – Influences ?  Daft Punk, Vaporwave […]

2 mins read

Trash Canon Webcomic : Meet Katrin Felder !

Katrin Felder is the queen of the cool ! With ?TRASH CANON ? The tour diary?, ?she set up?the ultimate Pop Star webcomic ! Helloooww Katrin ! ? Where do you come from ? I?m from Germany ! ? How old are you ? ( tell it or not !) 30 (turning 31 in April) […]

6 mins read

Project E-Underdog comics : Meet Tessa Beatrice !

  Underdog Comics is a project led by teenagers artists dedicated to representing the underrepresented and the misrepresented : Authentic women, ethnic minorities, the LGBT, and any excluded people or community. Essential. Let’s talk about it with Tessa Beatrice, Project E creator. Hi Tessa ! – Where do you come from ? I come from a town […]

6 mins read

Hell and Heaven Webcomic : Meet Esther Quesada !

Fun but clever, magic but so Real-life, Hell and Heaven is the webcomic we all need ! But who are you Esther Quesada !? Hey Esther ! – Where do you come from ?  Spain – How old are you ?  19+10 – Influences ? Disney, Don Bluth, manga, anime, all kind of cartoons, some videogames… […]

3 mins read

ON THE VERGE Webcomic : Meet Jason Smith !

  On The Verge is a rare pearl in the ocean of webcomics, a wonderful find that we are proud to share with you. We wanted to know more about its creator, Jason Smith.   Hi Jason ! – Where do you come from ? I live just outside of Toronto, Ontario in Canada.   […]

4 mins read

Webcomics revolution : Becomics rules !

  Becomics is a new platform designed for comics lovers. A place for artists to share their work, and for fans to discover new content. Its goal ? Reimagine the format and bring web-comics to its maximum potential. We’ve met  the founders of – Hi both ! Who helm this crazy project and what’s your […]

8 mins read

Galebound Webcomic : Meet Respheal !

? Galebound is our Webcomic of the month and we ask few questions to its creator, Respheal, a great artist ! Hey Maddy ! ? How old are you ? I?m 26! ? Influences ? Definitely manga, video games, music, and light fantasy novels. So, uh?lots of things! My first actual attempt at drawing (in […]

2 mins read

Carrie & Rufus Webcomic : Meet Ben Hennessy !

We?ve asked few questions to Ben Hennessy, Carrie & Rufus webcomic talented creator ! Hey Ben ! ? How old are you ???? I?m 31? guess I?d better start saving for that new hip I?ll need in the near future. ? Influences ?? ? ? ? Far too many to list, but the most recent […]

1 min read

Secret of a great page

Ne-ver bo-ring ! That’s the secret of a great webcomics page. When you draw, ask you two questions : What do I must show ? What do I not ? Think rythm, breaks, hangs ! 😀 Don’t forget : Webcomics is an elliptical art. Keep the good work ! Secret of a great page Secret […]

1 min read

Secret of a great story

  Are you ready ? Here is the golden rule of a great story. The desire, the quest of the hero The hinderings ! How is it hindered !! Yes, it’s that simple ! Ask yourself these questions : What is the goal of my character ? How and who to hinder him ? Keep the good […]

1 min read

Secret of a great bad guy

  You want to create an unforgettable bad guy hum ? Here is the secret : Its silouhette ! What symbol in its shape ? Think mass and silouhette before tracing a line. Keep the good work !  Secret of a great bad guy Secret of a great bad guy New feed {$excerpt:n} insert the featured […]

1 min read